Sunday, September 23, 2007

God goes to retreats!

Our Pastor Rick Holland always says and firmly believes that God goes to camp.
In a nutshell, he means, that God uses retreats to help His children grow.
I have been going to retreats since the age of 6, it was in 1983 when I went to my first camp. Since then, I have gone at least to 2 retreats/camps each year. (you do the math)
This weekend was probably one of the most impactful retreats ever.
I have the privilege of shepherding the Hillside Bible Study, a college-age group of about 45 that meets in the East Valley area of the SFV.
But I digress. The retreat was amazing because instead of teaching, this year we decided that we were all going to share our testimonies.
During 4 sessions, we heard about 35 testimonies and these were replete with references to grace, unmerited favor. We were able to sing longer and were able to study Psalm 107 for our calls to worship.
What an amazing weekend! Sharing our testimonies not only encouraged our worship to God, but it also brought us together as a group. What an amazing thing it was to think that God saved so many people from various backgrounds and that he used different ways to accomplish his saving will.
As I was sharing with our Bible study yesterday morning, the reason we wanted to share our testimonies is to go back and remember what God used to bring us to Himself so that it will be an impetus for us to worship together.
Mission Accomplished!



  1. it was a great weekend! i love hearing everyone's testimonies too! we have the coolest bible study ever!!

  2. i agree with Melissa on all three counts; it was an awesome weekend, the testimony times were incredible and hillside is the best Bible study of all time.
