Monday, December 10, 2007

The Busyness of Finals

Finals week is here. I noticed that this semester is not like others semesters; it much harder. I was thinking this morning that when I was in High School finals were my favorite times of the year because we had a shorten schedule and it meant that school was OVER. Bah!... Silly me, Finals do not mean the same, in graduate school, they mean long hours finishing writing papers, long hours finishing reading books, long hours studying for exams, and long hours figuring out how to balance the rest of my schedule.
Yes, this is a hectic time, but I am excited that I am closer to graduation, hopefully 2 more semesters!
So, all that to say that I have not been posting as much, but I will come back soon with avengence.

Pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. you are in my prayers! cael and i are here for our daddy!
