Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pirates, Food, and God's Goodness

Who among us have never had the experience of sharing the gospel with someone and their response was, "How can a good God let people starve in Africa?"
I was thinking about that as I was listening to NPR the other day as the whole Somali Pirate Attack was unfolding. The report said, "Nearly half of Somalia's 7 million people depend on food aid." These people will go hungry unless these pirates are stopped and these ships containing said help are released by these.
God provides people with food, it is the sinfulness of men that prevent his goodness to be shown forth. Now God is an ALL-POWERFUL God, He can accomplish what he wants, yet this is a reminder of that this world is broken, full of sin, and ultimately men are completely depraved.

Thanks for reading,



  1. so true. thanks for the reminder!

  2. Es verdad!! Aunque me preguntaria mejor, como un Dios Justo todavia tolera un mundo lleno de pecado? Alli veo la Maravillosa Misericordia de Dios!
    Todavia hoy hay tiempo para el arrepentimiento, Hch. 17. Dios nos concede este tiempo para predicar fielmente la Palabra de Dios, El problema es que muchos pastores
    cristianos? han dejado de predicar sobre la necesidad de arrepentimiento.
