Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankfulness and Thanksgiving

Last night Melissa and I took Cael to Walmart to do our weekly shopping. Cael usually has fun, we go shopping and he sits there and points to everything and utters gibberish. Though last night was different, he was a bit tired and feeling extremely sinful so he started to complaint. He was not yelling per se, but he had a nagging soft complaining whine. We knew that he was hungry so we gave him animal cookies and water, yet he continued to complaint. I started to talk sense into him, he is only 18 months, but I thought I could and I said to him, "Cael, don't complain, remember to be thankful. God has given us everything." OOPS... As I started saying this to him, I realize how whinny I sound to God. Granted, I do not probably yell and kick and scream, but I do have my own way of nagging and soft complaining. God has given me everything, I have to be thankful.
I need to renew my mind into making thankfulness a way of life!


  1. SO true! thanks for that poignant reminder!

  2. Gracias Gus por hacer el punto, cuantas veces nuestras quejas deben sonar a los Oidos de Nuestro Padre, como las quejas de Cael a los tuyos. Como dice Romanos 8:31, si El nos dio lo Maximo (Su Hijo) por nosotros, Como no nos dara todas las cosas?, y realmente nos ha dado todas las cosas, tenemos que desarrolar el habito de estar contentos todos los dias, y tener un espiritu diario de gratitud ( no solo una vez al anio). Nuestro Dios Reina. El es Senior!!!, Alabado sea Su Nombre!
