Tuesday, June 17, 2008

RESOLVED- Behind the Scenes (Doxologies)

For months now I have been looking forward to RESOLVED. I have been quite excited to see what the Lord was going to do in my heart because the topic of the conference was HEAVEN and HELL.
I had the priviledge once again to be the the band's (which is called ENFIELD now) chaplain. We had some time together before all the sessions and went through different Doxologies.
We started off with Romans 11:36 where Paul with an informed mind (the first 11 chapters of Romans) pour his heart into worshiping his GOD.
Jude 24-25 was the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time together where we saw that God was our PRESERVER, PERFECTER and PRAISEWORTHY. Then we looked at 2 Old Testament heroes of mine who in tough times wrote doxologies: Asaph in Psalm 73:25-28 and Habakkuk in Habakkuk 3:17-19; both of them writing praise to God in very difficult times.
We ended our time together last night looking at one final doxology, 1 Timothy 1: and we all crafted our own doxologies. That was the highlight of these times together; to hear the members of ENFIELD crying out to the Lord and worshiping him with humble hearts was incomparable.
I praise the Lord for being led in musical worship by men and women that are wholly devoted to God and especially by a man like John Martin whose ultimate goal is to glorify his Lord in everything he does!

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